Blue Cities, Blue Neighborhoods
Sustainable stormwater management through Low Impact Development (LID, aka “green” or “natural” infrastructure) is how we make our cities and neighborhoods BLUER.
Dense, healthy, vegetated areas, wetlands, well-functioning bio-retention basins, and other residential and commercial practices increase the amount of stormwater held in the ground, thereby filtering pollutants and reducing effects such as streambank erosion and flooding. Planting and maintaining native plants in community natural areas is a win for everyone upstream and downstream on the Illinois River and it’s tributaries.
It’s about Water Quality
Reducing the impacts of stormwater can start at your home or business.
Do you have an idea about an LID project for your community? Would you like to help organize an educational meeting for your POA/HOA, subdivision, or neighborhood group?
We may be able to offer technical and/or financial assistance for stormwater-friendly practices in the Illinois River Watershed.

Illinois River Watershed Blue Cities Toolkit
Learn about the watershed, its opportunities and challenges, and what we recommend doing in order to develop our region in a way that preserves natural resources and protects water quality and the vibrant ecosystems in the Illinois River Watershed.
A Shift in Stormwater Management
Traditional stormwater management was about moving the water away from urban areas as quickly as possible and treating large rain events.
By implementing low impact development practices, restoring riparian areas, conserving critical forests and floodplains we can reduce flooding, promote community green spaces, reduce pollution, erosion, and promote ecologically diverse habitats.
Blue Cities
For city council, city and municipal staff, engineers, planners, professionals in related industries, and the interested public.
Stormwater management is evolving for the better. Learn how you can advance the way you develop while protecting habitats and water quality— Check out our Illinois River Watershed Toolkit to get started.
Blue Neighborhoods
Could your neighborhood use help organizing around drainage issues? Contact us to see if we can provide education and/or facilitate a meeting for your community.
IRWP hopes to identify conservation and restoration opportunities that benefit entire communities.
Missed our 2021 NWA Low Impact Development Conference?
No worries, you can find the presentations from the conference, educational documents, and other Northwest Arkansas LID information at irwp.org/nwalid2021.
We All Live Downstream: Landowner Testimonials
Learn the stories of those living downstream and why developing sustainably is so important for the lives and livelihoods of many landowners.
Stormwater Discussion
View a recording of the Stormwater Discussion held at the IRWP Learning Center on June 30, 2021. These presentations cover the challenges of urbanization in our watershed, hydrological data from US Army Corps of Engineers, outlines of solutions that have worked for other regions, as well as next steps for addressing these issues.
Contact us about Blue Cities, Blue Neighborhoods
(479) 203-7084 (Main IRWP #)