Program Overview
Through the Green Infrastructure Program, IRWP will work with cities, counties, companies, schools, non-profit organizations, HOAs, and individuals to place 30 green infrastructure practices in at least 12 high visibility locations throughout the watershed. These projects will be designed to address non-point source pollution, demonstrate cost-effective water quality solutions, and satisfy maintenance and aesthetic requirements.
The Green Infrastructure Program is a cost-share program. IRWP can fund up to 50% of all project costs. Landowners can generate match through in-kind labor, equipment, cash, or other grant dollars.
Detention pond retrofits
A detention pond retrofit helps improve water quality and recreation, reduce water quantity, maintenance costs, and safety risks, and maintain regulatory compliance.
Bioswales are designed to slow down water along a path using plants and rocks. This allows pollutants to settle and infiltrate through the soil where they can be captured and broken down.
Permeable pavement and ribbon driveways
Permeable pavements minimize runoff by allowing water to infiltrate into the engineered underlayer and soil. Ribbon driveways are a simple way to decrease the impervious cover and runoff caused by paved driveways.
Green roofs
Green roofs consist of waterproof, drainage, and vegetated layers that slow down and filter rainwater before it reaches the stormwater system. Green roofs can also reduce heat islands, provide insulation, and extend roof life.
Green streets
Green streets utilize a variety of GI practices like curb cuts and vegetation to capture and filter rainwater before it reaches the stormwater inlet. In addition to improving water quality, green streets enhance community health.
Rain gardens
Rain gardens are designed to capture water and nutrients. The garden is filled with deep-rooting native plants to facilitate infiltration into the soil and phytoremediation.
To learn more about low impact development and green infrastructure practices, check out our page in the online learning center!

Getting started…
Fill out the green infrastructure application below.
IRWP will reach out to learn about your site and management goals and will determine if the project is eligible for funding.
Upon approval, IRWP create a green infrastructure plan based on your site goals.
IRWP and the landowner will implement the agreed-upon practices, and IRWP will fund up to 50% of project costs.
Contact us about the Green Infrastructure Program.
Annie Sales, Project Manager
(504) 577-6342
Requests for Proposal
IRWP is seeking innovative partners to help us think through the design and implementation of green infrastructure practices. To learn more about projects or to submit a proposal, please visit the link below.