Resources for Historically Underserved Producers
With mounting urbanization pressure across the Illinois River Watershed and Northwest Arkansas, IRWP recognizes the need to preserve and protect farms. When operated sustainably (i.e. benefiting the farmer's economic bottom line, as well as provision of environmental and social benefits), farms contribute to our region's economy, cultural heritage, and protection of natural resources. Fortunately, there are a number of educational resources and financial incentive programs to encourage diversity in farming, which span many racial, gender, socio-economic, and age groups. Please peruse our resources below to find a program to fit your needs!
As environmental and agricultural progam across the US continually work to expand their outreach to meet all corners of production, there has been a realization that many producers have historically been underserved. The Farm Bill provides for voluntary participation, offers additional incentives, and focuses on equity in accessing USDA programs and services for those individuals. Groups defined as historically underserved include:
New or "Beginning"
Limited Resource (on the basis of sales and income from the previous two years)
Socially Disadvantaged (Native American, Alaskan Native, African-American, Asian, Hispanic, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander

Farming Resources
For Veterans
The American Farm Bureau Federation sponsors a mentorship program that connects veteran, beginning farmers and ranchers with experienced Farm Bureau members.
The goals of the Armed to Farm program are to train veterans to operate sustainable crop and livestock enterprises, to create a network of veterans who are starting new careers in sustainable ag, and provide technical assistance to participants.
For Minority & Women Farmers
Arkansas Land and Farm Development Corporation (ALCDC) provides training and technical expertise on community development, food systems, and sustainable agriculture.
Based in Oklahoma City, NWIAA is the largest agricultural organization for women in the world. National Women in Agriculture (NWIAA) is committed to providing equality and sustainable opportunities for women farmers and at-risk youth.
The Arkansas Young Farmers Coalition was formed in 2017 to support young and beginning farmers across the state through information sharing, networking, and advocacy.
For Young & Beginning Farmers
NWA Farm Link is an online tool to connect new and existing farmers with farmland and training opportunities, offering a community board to address specific questions.
Hosted by the USDA, this site hosts educational resources for new, young, women, veteran, and minority beginning farmers.
Limited Resource Self-Determination Tool
Not sure if you may qualify as a limited resource producer? This geographically-specific online evaluation tool can get you started.

NRCS Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP)
Learn more about the national financial incentives program to get assistance with the installation of a variety of agricultural lands improvement practices.