Pledge to work toward Stormwater Sustainability for our region.


  • By the end of 2022

    Review and assess existing stormwater infrastructure to make sure it is working property

    Review drainage manual and ordinances to ensure adoption of “infiltration”/low impact development practices

    Read EPA’s report: Evaluating Stormwater Infrastructure Funding and Financing

    Consider forming a Regional Stormwater Management Advisory Council

    Re-forest city-owned riparian areas and educate residents about the reasons for doing so

  • By the end of 2024

    Fix infrastructure structural problems when found on city-owned property

    Provide technical assistance to POA’s/property owners on proper maintenance and oversight of stormwater infrastructure assets

    Leverage Regional Stormwater Management Advisory Council to conduct region-wide assessment of stormwater management options in current and projected, future urban areas

  • By the end of 2026

    Implement agreed-upon, region-wide option to implement comprehensive stormwater management and/or low impact development practices

    Adopt NWARPC’s Open Space Plan into your urban planning and stormwater management policies and processes. Make a plan to conserve high-priority properties

Take the Pledge

We are counting on you to help prioritize and protect the watershed.