Species of Conservation Concern
Species of Conservation Concern
The Ozarks and the Illinois River Watershed are blessed with a wide variety of habitat and abundant floral and faunal biodiversity. From cave ecosystems to dry, upland, deciduous forests, the Illinois River Watershed has those and many different ecosystems in between. Because of this diversity of habitats, a large diversity of species is present (or was historically) within the watershed. According to the Arkansas Natural History Commission, six species that reside within the watershed are considered endangered and four species are considered threatened at the federal level. At the state level in Arkansas, twelve species are considered endangered and five are threatened. All of species are either dependent on aquatic habitat or on healthy oak-hickory riparian forests that surround them. IRWP works to conserve and restore these habitats…particularly in and around creeks, rivers, and streams…to maintain or improve water quality.
Species of Conservation Concern in the Illinois River Watershed.